Sustainable mobility in Vorarlberg

Sustainability has become deeply rooted in the federal state of Vorarlberg. Building materials from the region, solar and photovoltaic plans characterise the architecture; regionally sourced food is on the menu in restaurants and hotels. Also when it comes to mobility there are numerous sustainable schemes that can be very conveniently used in seminars, conferences and meetings.

Festspielhaus Bregenz Bühnenturm Ausschnitt mit Himmel © Dominic Kummer

Vorarlberg integrated public transport system

In Vorarlberg, public transport is a very pleasant way of getting from A to B. Vorarlberg’s integrated public transport system has a highly developed network that serves everything from big towns to tiny Alpine villages.

Attractive special offers are available for events held in Vorarlberg, whether conventions, seminars, concerts or the like. The entrance ticket to any event allows the holder to travel to and from the venue free of charge. Event organisers profit from these advantageous conditions and can point out to attendees that environmentally friendly travel is available.

As part of an urban electric mobility initiative, electric buses were trialled in certain places last year. The feedback has been very positive from all sides: passengers, drivers and project managers are enthusiastic about the electric buses, which are entirely European-made.

Electromobility project VLOTTE

A project named VLOTTE has enabled Vorarlberg to develop into one of the major electric mobility regions in Europe within a very short time. The Vorarlberg utility company illwerke vkw entered the winning bid in a nationwide tender by the climate and energy fund of the Austrian Federal Government in 2008, and just three years after the project was initiated it was already clear that electromobility works, with electric vehicles being adopted more and more in the everyday lives of Vorarlberg residents.

Individuals, businesses, institutions and local authorities – the list of VLOTTE customers is impressively varied. These customers profit from a comprehensive mobility package that includes free access to the recharging infrastructure.

There are currently 979 electric vehicles on the roads in Vorarlberg (as of March 2017) and 242 charging stations scattered across the federal state. There are considerable potential advantages for the MICE industry from the VLOTTE electromobility project, which currently also offers electric hire cars for speakers, attendees and organisers of conferences and other events.

Photo Festspielhaus: Anja Koehler
Photo bus: REGIO Bregenzerwald
Photo Vlotte: VKW, Marcel Hagen

Festspielhaus Bregenz
Ein junger Mann betankt sein Elektro-Auto an einer VKW-VLOTTE Tankstelle vor dem Festspielhaus Bregenz © VKW, Marcel Hagen © VKW, Marcel Hagen