A critical indicator
Nowadays, organising sustainable events is more than just a "nice-to-have" – it's a way that event planners can take a stand for a future fit for our grandchildren.
On top of this, events such as congresses, conferences, corporate events and seminars can be certified as Green Meetings & Green Events in accordance with the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel. This certification provides planners with helpful pointers to ensure uniform and effective organisation.
To support you in the successful realisation of your event, we have compiled the most important information for you in our new brochure "Green Meeting & Green Event".
You will find out how you can benefit from sustainable event organisation, how certification of a Green Meeting & Green Event works and which areas you can take the relevant steps in. We will also show you the advantages of working with Bregenz Festival House as a certified Green Location.
Sustainability as a success factor
At a time when event participants are also attaching increasing importance to sustainability, a Green Meeting & Green Event demonstrates that you are acting responsibly and with an eye to the future.
The new EU directive on sustainability reporting lays the foundation for comprehensive transparency with regard to the impact of corporate activities on people and the environment. Companies above a certain size will have to disclose these impacts in their 2024 annual report, and the same applies to live communication. More and more customers are looking for resource-saving solutions and Green Meetings & Green Events provide the answer.
And by working with certified service providers such as Bregenz Festival House as a Green Location or evenTZ by foodaffairs as a Green Caterer, you have the perfect partners at hand, as they already fulfil most of the criteria required for certification.
Our contact partners will be happy to assist you and look forward to supporting you with your sustainable event projects.