Our bright and spacious foyers provide the perfect setting for accompanying exhibitions at conferences or corporate events, while also serving as welcoming public areas for social and cultural gatherings. The Panorama I and II halls, the Propter Homines room, and the Showroom offer ideal breakout spaces for meetings and conferences. Our experienced event planning team will be happy to explore the available options with you.
1 Vorplatz Foyer Werkstattbühne
2 Foyer Werkstattbühne
3 Werkstattbühne
4 Seitenbühne 2
5 Seitenbühne 1
6 Hinterbühne
7 Hauptbühne
8 Großer Saal
9 Seetribüne
10 Showroom
11 Eingangsfoyer
12 Restaurant buehnedrei
13 Platz der Wiener Symphoniker
2 Foyer Werkstattbühne
3 Werkstattbühne
4 Seitenbühne 2
5 Seitenbühne 1
6 Hinterbühne
7 Hauptbühne
8 Großer Saal
9 Seetribüne
10 Showroom
11 Eingangsfoyer
12 Restaurant buehnedrei
13 Platz der Wiener Symphoniker

Your contact person
Peter Spritzendorfer
Peter Spritzendorfer
Security & Event Support
T: +43 5574 413-333, peter.spritzendorfer@​festspielhausbregenz.com