Platz der Wiener Symphoniker

Sonnendurchfluteter Raum propter homines im Festspielhaus Bregenz © Dominic Kummer


The spacious plaza in front of the Festspielhaus can accommodate up to 12,000 people at open-air events. Organisers of events often find it practical to use this area as an outdoor extension of rooms they have hired inside. If there’s not enough capacity in the building itself, public-viewing screens can be used to draw additional visitors. The Platz der Wiener Symphoniker is also a venue for concerts, markets and roadshows, which benefit from the unique ambience against the backdrop of the Festspielhaus.

In the summer months of July and August, the square is transformed into a lively plaza with a wide range of food and drink on offer for guests of the Bregenz Festival.

Menschenmenge auf dem Platz der Wiener Symphoniker vor dem Festspielhaus Bregenz © Anja Koehler
© Anja Koehler


299.792.458 m/s

You've probably wondered what the numbers displayed on the roof of the Festspielhaus Bregenz actually mean. It is a light installation by the artist Cerith Wyn Evans, a winning entry in a competition on art for public buildings. The series of digits displayed in neon light – 299,792,458 m/s – is a numerical representation of the speed of light.

Ready Maid

The 6.9 metre high bronze sculpture Ready Maid marks the centre of the Platz der Wiener Symphoniker. Gottfried Bechtold's sculpture is a polished bronze cast of a forking tree trunk. Standing upside down, it resembles a figure striding forward. “For the viewer, the self-reflection of the torso in the water is visible as a constant shifting of the one into the other. The tree becomes the Amazon, the Amazon becomes the tree,” the artist has said.


Are you planning an event to remember? Here, where high-quality service meets sustainability, you can hire spaces that are perfectly tailored to your needs.

Peter Spritzendorfer © Anja Koehler // Kongresskultur Bregenz
Your contact person
Peter Spritzendorfer
"If the ambience is right – like the Festspielhaus with all its amenities – then nothing can go wrong!"

Ralf Tonitz
Geo Reisen&Erlebnis Salzburg

Hire the Platz der Wiener Symphoniker

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Sonnendurchfluteter Raum propter homines im Festspielhaus Bregenz © Dominic Kummer


  • Open-air venue with an area of 6,900 m2
  • Space for up to 12,000 people
  • Freely positionable seating
  • Ready Maid sculpture in a walk-in pool
  • Power supply via outdoor floor sockets

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