For the second time, Bregenz Festival House has hosted a tool, mould and die manufacturing congress (Werkzeug- und Formenbautage) that has been enthusiastically received by an international audience of specialists.
ideal platform for networking
What the client – the international Meusburger group, headquartered in Wolfurt – was looking for was an "ideal platform for networking". A goal that was fully accomplished: "It was exactly as we’d imagined it. And as our guests had too, apparently. The exhibitors in particular got back to us to say they’d been able to make lots of new contacts and the event had been really worth it for them," reports Darina Giesinger, event manager at Meusburger.
No easy feat, considering how packed the programme was: 44 exhibitors, 340 representatives from various companies in all the German-speaking countries, 13 expert presentations, a panel discussion, a visit to the headquarters and a programme of accompanying events including a boat trip were all on the agenda.
The two-day event succeeded thanks to the close collaboration between Darina Giesinger and the project leader at Kongresskultur, Eva-Maria Feuerstein, who was involved at any early stage in planning the congress. The recipe for success included the following ingredients. Generous breaks between the items on the agenda permitted some good conversations. On top of that, a networking party with gaming tables from the Casino and bar tables ensured there was a relaxed atmosphere and a lot of interaction among the guests. Presentations went on in parallel in a number of rooms, so people could put together their own individual programme.
The next tool, mould and die manufacturing congress is already booked for autumn 2019, again at Bregenz Festival House. Darina Giesinger says, "The main challenge will be how to top it!" Just as before, she’ll be able to rely on input from the Kongresskultur team, she says.
2 Foyer Werkstattbühne
3 Werkstattbühne
4 Seitenbühne 2
5 Seitenbühne 1
6 Hinterbühne
7 Hauptbühne
8 Großer Saal
9 Seetribüne
10 Showroom
11 Eingangsfoyer
12 Restaurant buehnedrei
13 Platz der Wiener Symphoniker
in-house trade fair with 44 exhibitors, 13 specialist presentations, panel discussion, excursion, accompanying events
Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co KG, Wolfurt

Matthias Wunder
Planning Assistant